Waste King Garbage Disposal Buyers Guide

Having a garbage disposal can make the kitchen life a lot easier for you. All food scraps, chicken bones, and any other food product you can think of can be washed down the sink and grated. It’s always fun to be able to show off your new kitchen appliances and at first it seems like this wouldn’t be as fun, but the dinner guests will be pretty impressed when you can almost shove an entire chicken down your sink without any clogs.
There are several different features to choose from when it comes to waste king garbage disposals as their are several different uses for each. It boils down to three separate general categories: expense, power, and durability with a mixture of them in certain garbage disposals as well.
Before we get into the details of each category lets breakdown what kind of household will require which of these categories. If you’re a small family or single person living in a house you’re probably going to be able to get away with the cheaper version. Even the cheap waste kings are reliable, the brand doesn’t sacrifice quality. The higher end products will be able to work hard, long, and consistent. This would be for larger families that like to eat large meals every night. It can handle all the chicken bones, all the scraps, all the vegetable shavings, and it can do it every night and will never break down on you. The mid range is as easily predicted with it being able to fill the needs of an average size family that uses it fairly often, but may run into problems years down the road if it is abused by the larger family. It would also function great for the small family or single person who wants something with a little more juice, because the more you pay the horsepower on them tends to go up.
The typical price range for the waste king series is from around $70 to around $220. The lower ends power will typically be the 1/2 horsepower but a few do have the 1/3 horsepower. With the price range you typically get more endurance, more reliability, and more ability to take a punishing on a regular basis.
There are four categories of power for the waste king garbage disposals. They come in 1/3 HP, 1/2 HP, 3/4 HP and 1 HP. The lower end will be the cheapest and the higher end will be the most expensive, and again the higher end will be able take a lot more punishment.
All waste king garbage disposals come with a standard warranty, but the length of them differs. The warranties range from 2 years to 10 years and the Legend 8000 Series comes with a lifetime warranty which is a pretty awesome deal we think.
There you have it, with this information you should easily be able to make an informed decision for the garbage disposal that will most fit your needs.